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Is popcorn useful?

Everyone knows that all kinds of breakfast cereals, crunchy popcorn, which we love to chew while watching the series, are not entirely useful, and in large quantities are completely harmful. But, recently there was a rumor that even harmfulness can benefit. As it turned out, a group of scientists found out that it is popcorn and breakfast cereals that can "give" us a very weighty portion of antioxidants.
As you know, the main value of breakfast cereals is a high fiber content. What companies willingly used for the so-called "pushing" of the product to customers. But now, after the stunning statement of the American Chemical Society, it has become clear that breakfast cereals are not rich in fiber. And also polyphenols, known in the world as antioxidants. By the way, these substances are a reliable defender of the body from free radicals, "thanks" to which it is possible to "earn" cardiac, or even oncological diseases. It's funny, but such news will surely raise the popularity rating of breakfast cereals, as well as popcorn, to the skies. Just imagine the joy of all lovers of delicious harmfulness, which, as it turned out. It's not harmful at all.
As a scientist from one of the Pennsylvania Universities noted, the following trend in views was observed earlier: grain fibers were considered a kind of "panacea" against a variety of heart diseases, as well as oncological diseases. Today, opinions have changed slightly. And in the direction of the already mentioned polyphenols. As scientists have noted, these substances are very important for the prevention of serious diseases. It is worth noting that such news will greatly please residents of the States, since such polyphenol-containing products "pull" more than half of the percentage of grain consumption. By the way, such a study can be safely called a pioneer, since no one before him tried to prove and scientifically argue the "usefulness" of popcorn and various snacks in a hurry.
Polyphenols are contained not only in popcorn, but then, the reader will probably start eating only this. Useful antioxidants are easily found in vegetables and fruits, red wine, green tea and bitter chocolate. Another interesting conclusion made by scientists based on the results of the study. The largest amounts of these antioxidants are found in products that are made from raw grain, and not in those whose component is "processed" grain. And, yes, popcorn turned out to be the leader in polyphenols among salty snacks. to najbardziej ekscytujące kasyno online, które oferuje szeroki wybór gier, bonusów i promocji. Zagraj w swoje ulubione gry kasynowe i ciesz się dreszczykiem emocji związanym z wygraniem ogromnych jackpotów!
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